Today marks exactly one year since Jeannie went home. Please visit her memorial site at:
Good thoughts of her are appreciated.
The Cheahs
Saturday, July 12, 2008
Saturday, July 21, 2007
Your Work Is Done, My Darling

Aye darling, I tend to agree with that too. Your sudden demise is difficult for me to reconcile; your earthly hopes, my hopes for you, and indeed our hopes as husband and wife have evaporated with your passing. You were a wonderful grandmother to Yi Wen’s Michelle and would also have been for Krystyn’s and JJ’s children. Indeed Darling, you would have been in your element as a mother-in-law! Though this will no longer come to pass, yet Darling, even the skies cried tears of joy as we sent you off on your journey home. For to have spent a short 48 years on earth, you have not only lived your life by your standards, you have also set standards! I can only believe your work here is done.
We were always concerned for the children when this day came, whether it was I or you who went first; we feared we could never prepare them well enough. You prepared each for today in your own special way. Darling, you taught them about life by teaching them about death. You taught them about going home. You taught them about how you wanted your farewell and therein lay the greatest lesson on life! Such was your wisdom. You never feared death but you did not welcome it; for you cherished life! You fought hard to live! By celebrating your life and not grieve for your demise meant that life was about living.
Darling, the children honored you by being stoic and delivering your every request to the T. The white, cheerful and bright theme, the white lilies, your chosen music, your mantras, the abundance of candles, the white casket, your chosen dress, your photos, the jasmine and sandalwood incense, your friends, your natural make-up, your perfume, your teddy, the teamwork, JJ’s eulogy, the responsibility; the ambience!

My Darling, you meant so many things to so many different people. You were, mother, friend, sister, confidante, mentor, Master, student, healer, and many, many more. You had so many different circles of friends and you personified this diversity by the many different names you were known as to different circles. There was Jeannie, Jade, Jade Phoenix, Phoenix, Lady Jade, Soul-Voice, Auntie Jeannie, Tai Kar Chair, Part Phor, COBRA Mummy, Mummy Cheah, Leong-Leong, Tigress, and many more that I have forgotten. But Darling, there is one thing common to all and that is the lasting impression you have left in each and everyone. Darling, your work with friends is done.
My Darling, so many things remind me of you but I see you most clearly in our children. Your passing did not make me a single parent for they continue to be guided by your presence in their hearts. You have made it easy for me and I merely need to continue in my role as their father. Yes, my Love, my work is yet undone.
Your Dar
Friday, July 20, 2007
COBRA Mummy, Jeannie Cheah - A Remembrance: By COBRA Club

Jeannie was a diehard COBRA/All Blacks fan.
In respect and in celebration of Jeannie's life and for her "love of the game", the club has sought permission to show a video of Jeannie's life in photo clips, at 1.30 pm, before the game telecast. The family is honored and gratified by this request. We have scores of photos that chronicle Jeannie's fun times with COBRA and will include many of them in the updated video.
A Prayer For Jeannie

Dear Mr. Cheah,
I am equally sad of the unfortunate demise of your loving wife. I am happy to have known her. She had a happy disposition always. Mike and his RMC colleagues have their own religion. I am bored to tears. I am a Muslim and will remain so forever despite Mike's "secular humanist" belief. Its , perhaps, it little late but please accept my prayers:
"Ya Tuhan ku ampunilah Puan Jeannie Cheah dan angkatkanlah darjatnya ke dalam golongongan orang-orang yang terpimpin, gantikanlah dia selepas permigiannya, ampunilah bagi kami dan baginya. Wahai Tuhan ku yang mentadbir alam dan lapangkanlah baginya dalam kuburnya dan chahayakanlah baginya didalam nya."
Fazilah Tan Abdullah
My Dear Faz,
Thank you so much for your prayer for Jeannie. Though you guys met only fleetingly, she really liked you. Wherever she is, I am sure she received your good thoughts and prayer.
If you do not mind, I will be posting your prayers in the her/my blog.
My Dear Faz,
Thank you so much for your prayer for Jeannie. Though you guys met only fleetingly, she really liked you. Wherever she is, I am sure she received your good thoughts and prayer.
If you do not mind, I will be posting your prayers in the her/my blog.
Best regards.
Thursday, July 19, 2007
Tuesday, July 10, 2007
Bless The Day We Found Us.......

Our 17th Wedding Anniversary...Febuary 2003

Anniversary Speech
I was just thinking of Saturday and wondered what I would say if asked to make a speech. What would I say indeed?
One thing’s for sure, there is so much that I could say about us that most of those present can already see; yet there is nothing I can say that will ever show them the true love we share and the relationship that we have.
There are those who wonder why we have chosen to celebrate a 17th wedding anniversary. I find this interesting because it is a natural tendency to measure a relationship in terms of the numbers of years clocked. I suppose it is all a matter of perspective.
Ours has always been one of a countdown rather than of notching the years. A conscious decision we made to cherish and relish our remaining years together has enhanced our relationship and defined our marriage.
Every anniversary we share reduces the number of anniversaries we have left; yet we are happy. We are happy to have found each other, we are happy to be together, we are happy to walk together.
My darling, you are to me more precious than life. If given a choice between immortality without you, and counting down years together with you, I would choose the finite.
May the years we have left be more than the 17 wonderful years we have shared as "US".
Though star-blazed skies my mind contained.
The solitude of night my heart concealed,
Love's emotions were so fully restrained,
Thus did I hide behind a self-made shield.
And then you entered into my life.
Bewildering feelings, dazed and confused,
But you continued deeper like a knife,
Until my hardness was thus subdued.
What I never thought possible for me,
You've done and that I'll always treasure.
My heart burns fervent with love for thee,
Our souls delight in each beyond all measure.
And as you place that ring onto my finger.
I know for certain I'm enraptured with an angel divine.
You and I
Pure destiny
Forever meant to be.
Immutable! Inseparable! So unbelievable!
I’ve never told you just how much I needed
your every touch and sigh.
So beautiful
So meaningful
So wonderful.
You’re everything I wanted
or have ever dreamed of
and I feel as if
I’ve been reborn
into a mystic universe
pulsing with your love.
Just hold me close, feel my heartbeat and walk in my soul
I will breathe for the both of us.
Something has awakened in us.
Those words simply cannot describe it.....
Bleed my last drop brings forth a whole new day, love and dies for you
whatever comes our way.
And throughout this universe I dare to say.
There is not another that could make my heart so sway.
"I am grateful for having you in my life, and I thank my good stars for me to have found you"
Love and Blessings to "US" and may the Universe bless us with many more to come....
Gratitude and Love....

Gratitude is a key that opens the door to the flow of
unconditional love through your heart.
The heartfelt expression of gratitude,
either in words or in thought.
Focuses on the plenty that you have,
rather than anything that may be missing in your life.
Giving thanks is the expression of gratitude, and gratitude is
one of the most beautiful secrets in spiritual life.
Gratitude is a form of love, and love is something which flows
from the Creator of the universe through all forms of life and
manifestation. Without love, life in the universe cannot exist.
Love is the universal force of preservation which holds
creation in manifestation.
*The Natural Flow of Love*
Love is as natural as the universe. By design, there is a
tension between the forces of creation and universal love.
It is this tension which controls the size of the universe,
holding it within its envelope.
It is this tension which regulates the size of an electron's orbit around a nucleus.
Love is the force which retains electrons in their orbits,
making atoms possible and the existence of life as we know it.
You can block love, or you can allow it to flow naturally
through you. Falling in love with another person is an
allowance of the flow of love through your heart.
In a world where everything has the appearance of separateness, it is a
surrender to the underlying unity of all life.
It is a place of apparent vulnerability, a willingness to take the risk that
separation will once again return if that love is later lost.
When you allow your heart to open to the universe flow of love,
gratitude comes with that flow.
Gratitude for being alive, for just existing,
for just being in the flow of the adventure of life.
Gratitude for the Sun that gives us life.
Gratitude for the Earth that gives us our home in the cosmos.
Gratitude for the people that you love, and for those who share
your journey through life.
Gratitude flows unimpeded from an open heart.
When you allow it, it flows as freely as the sunshine, unobstructed by
judgments or conditions.
Love has no other desire but to fulfill itself.
But if you love and must needs have desires,
let these be your desires:
To melt and be like runnings brook,
that sings its melody to the night.
To know the pain of too much tenderness.
To be wounded by your own understanding of love;
And to bleed willingly and joyfully.
To wake at dawn with a winged heart
And give thanks for another day of loving;
To rest at the noon hour and meditate love's ecstasy;
To return home at eventide with gratitude;
And then to sleep with a prayer
For the beloved in your heart
And a song of praise upon your lips.
Blessings with Gratitute and Love.